BUSH FIRE DANGER PERIOD BEGINS 1st SEPTEMBER The NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) has today declared the start of the statutory Bush Fire Danger Period (BFDP) for areas across the Far South Coast. From 1 September any person wishing to light a fire in the Bega Valley and Eurobodalla local government areas will require a permit. With conditions becoming more conducive to the spread of fire, people need to be extremely careful when using fire, said Superintendent John Cullen. Spring weather can be very unpredictable and we are currently seeing very high fuel loads and extremely dry conditions in grasslands and in the bush.. Anybody wishing to light a fire on their property during the Bush Fire Danger Period will require a permit from their local fire station or Fire Control Centre. Permit holders are obliged to read and understand the conditions on the permit which include notifying neighbours and the Fire Control Centre at least 24hrs prior to lighting any fire. However, even with a permit you need to check whether a Total Fire Ban is in force before lighting any fires. We encourage all residents to have a Bush Fire Survival Plan, so all members of their household know what to do on days of increased fire danger, and are prepared to take appropriate action if their home is threatened by fire. Residents should also continue with other forms of hazard reduction such as slashing, mowing and raking. We have all seen the devastation that bush fires can bring to a community, Residents also need to check to see if they require any environmental approvals. Never leave a fire unattended and if a fire does escape, it is essential to call Triple Zero (000) immediately so that emergency services can respond accordingly and minimise the damage. For more information contact the Bega Fire Control Centre on 6494 7400, Euroboalla Fire Control Centre on 44742855 or visit www.rfs.nsw.gov.au